Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 11 – Vanilla in….Your Oven?

Okay, I’ll admit it…this is the FIRST pin I’ve EVER done that I hated.  I don’t know why I even tried it really because I’m not a huge fan of the smell of vanilla, neither is my husband.  After a stinky fridge, a stinky kid, a stinky cat, stinky sink, and stink garbage all inhabiting my kitchen at once, I decided, it might be worth a shot.  Pinterest to the rescue!  Or…not….
Here’s the pin if you’re really interested.  And if you are a realtor reading this…I really hope you don’t do this in your clients’ homes….yuck. I don’t have any pictures to share, because it was just a mug with some vanilla in it.  I think you can imagine what that would look like.


Like I said, my kitchen did not smell the most desirable and I went in for a quick fix.  I thought “Hey!  Remember that vanilla pin! I’ll give that a shot!”  At first, when my husband saw me pull out the vanilla, a coffee mug, and a tablespoon he gave me a very strange look and asked what I was making.  I quickly explained “According to Pinterest, this is supposed to make your home smell lovely.”  I don’t think he believed me.  I took 2 tablespoons of vanilla (the Costco kind) in a big coffee mug, Tinker Bell if you really want to know, and put it in a 350 degree oven.  Then I waited.
About 10 minutes later, we finished up our dinner, I started cleaning some stuff, and all of a sudden I thought “grossums, it does NOT smell lovely in here.  It smells like I burned vanilla”.  I quickly looked over at my husband, and I could tell the icky smell was permeating his nostrils just then.  I said “Welp, this is an epic Pinterest FAIL!”  We both laughed as I took my bubbling vanilla out of the oven.   Please don’t do this in your house, it does not smell lovely, even if you enjoy vanilla, it truly smells like you were baking something with vanilla in it and burned it.  Not lovely at all.   Rather, find a pin that you can make smelly candles, or maybe that one about making Febreze works (I wouldn’t know….yet.)  Whatever you do, DO NOT put vanilla in a coffee mug in your oven….ever. 

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